
Paulette Mahurin’s first novel is surefooted and unflinching in its portrayal of a singular and unique character and her compelling struggles. Compassionate and confident, Mahurin allows Mildred’s story to burn through onto the page with all its inherent outrage and tenacious, abiding love. Here is a character we can champion-flawed, striving, surviving-and fully embrace in her awkward, beautiful navigation of a world that resists her in every way. –Deb Norton, Playwrite/screenwriter of The Whole Banana

If you need to question your values, read this book! The author captures the intolerance and hypocrisy of a 1895 Nevada town, and its transcendence in time through tolerance and understanding. The angst and pain that two women feel daily, living the ‘lie’ of their lesbian relationship, and the prejudice they must endure, is unconscionable. I was moved to tears by their struggle in the face of the conflicted values that continue to dominate our ‘modern’ society. William K. Fox, PhD, Professor of Zoology

Paulette Mahurin has written an amazing tale full of deep emotions that had me in tears one moment, and laughing the next. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a fantastic story that will touch you deeply. – Lynn Worton of Lynn’s Book Reviews

This book made me smile. For me, it’s a book that will teach its readers a thing or two about friendship and unconditional love. The author did very well; wonderful plot. The characters are effective. Ara @ My Book and My Coffee

I stayed up late to finish this, and I notice similar comments in other reviews. The reason is simple: the characters are so real and you empathize with them so much that you just have to find out what happens to them. In some cases, that means worrying about whether or not they will be all right. I won’t give a spoiler here and say what happened, but I found the conclusion very satisfying. The themes of love and friendship are well presented — and so are those of bigotry and hatred. This book conveys powerful sentiments which are relevant to modern times set in a convincing historical background. The characters all have their own frailties and weaknesses along with their good qualities, just as real humans do. To say that this is a good character study is something of an understatement. Bog Craton, author of  Journey to Light: Part I of The High Duties of Pacia

There are two types of fiction in my mind: fiction which simply entertains, and fiction which enlightens, stimulates thought, and moves the reader to be something more than they were before they read the work while it still entertains. I like to be entertained, but even more so I enjoy reading a work which can not only entertain, but leave me uplifted and a better human being for having read the work. The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap, is one of those wonderful pieces of literature which leaves the reader a better human being while still providing entertainment. I will not give away the story because I hope that you will read this work for yourself, but let me say that this book is about something all people struggle to find; the ability to be loved and accepted for who we are, without having to fear hurt and pain for having risked our hearts. This book is an excellent piece of literature, and one which I would highly recommend to anyone. Brent McCay, Author of Confessions of a Heretic: How a Right Wing, Fundamentalist, Conservative Pastor Became a Leftist, Liberal Heathen

Paulette addresses these issues within her amazingly well written book. She is a great author as her characterization is the best I’ve seen. The plot is so realistic it seems like honest true history. Liisi Carr, Mom’s Thumbs Review

I well up and get eye-stingy over some stories, but this one brought full-on tears (in a good way). I recommend this book to anybody who enjoys history, controversy, and stories that tug at your spirit and wrap you in their compassion. Bonnie Bernard, Best Selling Author of The Midnight Hunter Trilogy

Absolutely the best book I’ve read in a very long time. I would recommend this book to any avid reader out there. Love the detail and the characters come to life from the pages. I felt I was there. Great writing. June Spears, Blogger

I give this book a 7 *** *** * review rating. Wanda Hartzenberg, Reviewer

“The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap” is not just about the struggle of two women against a community that condemns same-sex relationships. This important book speaks to the viciousness of all forms of prejudice. It shows how oppression silences and hurts victims. It reveals how close-mindedness and sharp words kill the spirit in others. Author Paulette Mahurin does a masterful job in bringing the characters and scenes to life. The happenings in a small Nevada town in 1895 are cradled within international news about the controversial actions of Oscar Wilde. The historical context gives Mahurin’s book a richness that many novels lack. I wholeheartedly recommend “The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap.” Dr. Carlotte Laws, Author & TV Talk Show Host, NBC

I loved this book. It’s well done and paced just right. I look forward to more stories from this author. Brenda Sorrels, Author of The Bachelor Farmers

Some books just deserve to be read by everyone, and this is one of those! Priya Dabak, Blogger

Congratulations to Paulette Mahurin for crafting this amazing story! As other reviewers have frequently noted, it is phenomenal that this is her first novel. I found it particularly effective to set modern cultural themes (bigotry, homophobia, same-sex relationships) in the late 1800′s in a rural town. She deftly creates a microcosm that allows the reader to understand many complex issues and illuminates both ugly and sublime aspects of human nature. Works such as The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap engender understanding, tolerance and an enhanced appreciation for the importance of love. I highly recommend this book! Bruce Hines, Physicist

Mahurin’s writing style is straightforward. Descriptions are lean, almost like Mozart in a way – no more than what is needed, but no less. The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap is a book that will open eyes and minds, a book that deserves a critical look because it addresses issues that still plague society today. Jessica Nickel, Author/Musician

Quite a view of bigotry in the 1890′s that has lessons for us today. My own viewpoint of “live and let live” wouldn’t have been very well tolerated back then. If you were gay you had to keep it quiet and not let anyone know. It didn’t matter if you were the most giving person in the world and Mildred happens to help out just about anyone in the town. My Son would have been one of those persecuted back then as he has openly stated that he is bisexual. That’s something that’s his decision on how he wants to live and I still accept him and love him. I’ll say that this book has got me thinking which some books really are meant to do. This review copy will continue to be treasured for a long time. Brian Bigelow, Author/Blogger

I would recommend this easy reading and emotional book to all ages and sexes as a learning tool for tolerance and compassion. Sue Morgan, R.N.

It is compelling reading on many different levels and enhanced by a pertinent quotation from Oscar Wilde at the beginning of each chapter. Kerry Dwyer, Author of Ramblings in Ireland

This book is not only a statement on friendship and tolerance but also of love – physical, emotional and spiritual. The story is moving and intelligently enables us to look at cultural norms that encourage prejudice and bullying. I appreciate Ms. Mahurin proficiency in creating a perfect setting to get to the heart of such controversial issues. The quotes she uses from authors of that time, the late 1800s, add to the backdrop of the story and are also totally appropriate for today. Dr. Jim Dincalci, Author, How to Forgive When You Can’t: The Breakthrough Guide to Free Your Heart and Mind

Mahurin is a genius developing her characters. I recommend this beautifully written book for readers of all ages. Mary Crocco, Blogger

This book is a historical bombshell. I loved the plot and the story line, and the ending I never seen coming. I totally expected something else to happen. `The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap totally blew me away. C. Scarlett, Blogger

I am not much of a fiction reader by nature but I was absolutely captivated by The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap. It is a story of love, learning to trust again and just how much more complicated our lives and hearts truly are than what we allow others to see on the surface. The characters are fascinating and the author describes them each in such a manner that you feel as if you have come to know them on a personal basis. Mildred comes across as a real survivor despite everything that has been thrown at her which is certainly something I can relate to in my own life. I found this book difficult to put down and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a novel that truly captivates them. Graham Aitchison, Best Selling Author, No Way Out But Through

This novel’s impact and importance as an historical realistic fiction piece sneaks up on you and grows as you turn the pages. One cannot ignore the injustices of man’s inhumanity to man borne out of ignorance and prejudice, the roots of which are deep-seated in history. Mahurin tactfully reminds us how the tentacles of such injustice insinuate their way into daily life, manipulating and hurting with every twist and turn. Set 100 years ago, The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap depicts history and in doing so acknowledges our progress to-date. The novel helps remind us of the importance of that progress and tacitly urges us to keep moving forward. Jos Callard, Singer/Musician

A truly feel good and amazingly humanistic story that will be a part of your heart for years to come.De Ann “Native” Townes Jr., Native American Author & Poet of, Author of “Peer Inside My Soul and See Me”

71 Responses to Testimonials

  1. Nylabluesmum says:

    I so want to read your book!!! (I am a published poet; a lifetime ago). I am so glad I met you here!! Sherri-Ellen.

    • Thank you so much. I’ll keep an eye out on your site for your writing. It’s my dream that I can get the word out on this book, which will result in sad faces getting out of cages and into their forever homes. 🙂

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        😉 I hear you on that Paulette.
        As for my writing I have shelved it…now I blog. Have been blogging since ’05 on Yahoo 360 & then Multiply & now here…
        My Birman/Siamese has quite a following so I blog as her & as me once in a while.
        Have some serious health issues so my writing is back burner…it was my passion for years; now cats are my passion….cat rescue….blogging..making friends….

  2. Your writing comes through purrrrrrrrrrrrrfectly and beautifully and adorably, through your fury girl. Hope your health is on the mend. I can relate professionally (ER trained NP, now specializing in Women’s health) and personally when I rescued Tazzie (the dog who inspired me to give profits to animal rescue) she came with ticks and I got Lyme Disease. Down for the count for years, but the upside…time to write and out came Mildred Dunlap’s story. So nice chatting with you here.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. 🙂
    FYI, the link to your blog on your gravatar profile is broken. 😦

  4. boomiebol says:

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the follow

  5. Marie Taylor says:

    Thanks for the follow. I hope your book is very successful. Marie

  6. Sounds like a very interesting book. Are you working on another?

  7. I started with a publisher, who didn’t do marketing, which can also happen with the big Publishing houses (they can give you a month and then onto the next new release). I ended up switching over to Createspace and KDP publishing as it worked out to be the best return and since all my profits are going to animal rescue this is important for me. I had another publisher want to pick up my book but the contract they proposed would have been way less royalties for me (and dogs) so I’ve stayed the indie course, which I have been loving. Great community of wonderfully supportive people. It’s a lot of effort and time to do the self-promo and were it not for the love of dogs (a neurotic passion) that keep me going, I might just turn it all over to someone else. When your book is finished contact me through the book’s facebook page and let me know. I’ll connect you with some sites that can help. Wishing you lots of success.

  8. malctg says:

    Hi The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap. Thank you for liking my poem ‘ The Believers’. The Foureyed Poet.

  9. I finished today. Wonderfully written with well developed characters. It was hard to put down. I loved the way you began each chapter with Oscar Wilde quotes. One of my favorite quotes of all time is by him, every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

    • Thank you so much for this. It means a lot to me to have you take the time to read my book and give me feedback. That’s a great quote from Oscar Wilde. While writing the book, I became somewhat obsessed with him, what he went through – all the torture. I read the letter he wrote to his lover while in jail, De Profundis, over and over. It is a remarkable piece of prose.

  10. petit4chocolatier says:

    Wonderful writing!

  11. Hi Paulette. 🙂 Okay, I tried my hand at a very brief review. I am SO not good at judging other people’s writing. The best thing I could say is that I loved it. Though I did say a little bit more! I did it on Amazon.com. Is that where I should have? Ah!!!! I feel horrible because I read some of the others but I get so word tied when trying to talk about other’s!!!! But I loved your book and wanted to say something. Do you get notifications when you get a review there?????

  12. http://lovelyseasonscomeandgo.wordpress.com
    Hi thanks so much for liking my posts “when one door closes” and “Phir Subah Hogi….” and for stopping by my blog, your blog is amazing too. Have a wonderful day. Betty

  13. http://lovelyseasonscomeandgo.wordpress.com
    and thanks so much for following my blog and so I will follow your blog too. Have a great day. Betty

  14. Dear Paulette, I haven’t read your book yet but am thoroughly familiar with its reviews (the fact I still don’t have your book down is a shame, I know). What I do more often than not, however, is to come here and look at all those lovable and darling faces of the animals you have rescued, for whom you found loving homes. This time, “Gemini” has gotten to me so much that his hug is sure to stay in my mind for a long time to come. There are so many others, innocent dear beings that each visit of mine takes me to a higher emotional state, no matter how down I may be on any given time. Thank you for sharing such unique love stories!

    • Beautiful, and all that good loving energy toward the animals is a kind thing in and of itself, thank you. That’s what’s important. Sending you a big hug. 🙂

      • I take the hug with much eagerness! As for your words about the “good loving energy toward the animals”, I am missing out on that completely in my life for this and that reason. I feel, though, I appreciate it when I see it. It is beautiful. Unconditional.

      • Yes, my friend. I was referring to the beauty of your words, the compassion you expressed about how they take you to a higher place, if I’m understanding you correctly. Words carry energy, and yours very loving and positive. One cannot underestimate this energy for who can know its ripple effect… 🙂

  15. beebeesworld says:

    Thanks for continuing to read my blog. I sometimes have a hard time finding your new blogs, but always enjoy them. beebeesworld

    • Thanks, beebee. Sure do appreciate your stopping by. If you ever want to see what’s happening here up at the top of the page, right under The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap, it says, Home, Blog, Testimonials. If you click on “blog” it’ll show the recent posts I’ve made. I sure do enjoy yours a lot. Hope you have a good weekend.

  16. melanie says:

    Bonjour Paulette Mahurin!… r u French, young lady?… 🙂 my very best and friendly greetings from Toulouse, France, “old Europe”… cheers! 🙂 Mélanie – animal lover, in general and catlover, in particular… 🙂

  17. beebeesworld says:

    Thanks for continuing to read my blog-I always read your blog too. beebee

  18. Paulette: These are wonderful testimonials for your novel, ‘The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap.’ I now have your book on my next order list. Shame on me for not ordering and reading sooner. Sheri

    • Hi Sheri. Thank you so your very kind words. I’d be happy to gift you a book if you’d like. Just e-mail me your address. Or if you prefer a kindle copy I’m happy to gift you that from Amazon. You’re a very valued cyber friend. Love, Paulette

  19. Paulette, That’s wonderful. I’d love a book to hold in my hands if at all possible. I have a Kindle but with the escalating nerve damage in my hand and arms, it’s almost impossible for me to use. I so love reading and it is one of my favorite pleasures. I’m so looking forward to the read. I’m not sure why your novel didn’t make it to my purchase list much earlier. I’m not going to worry about that now. I thank you for your friendship and yes, wouldn’t it be nice to sit and talk in the gardens with a nice latte and perhaps a scone or other pastry to your liking. Sheri

  20. Paulette – Your novel arrived safely. I can hardly wait to start reading. I have the feeling that what I’m about to start is a story that absolutely had to be told. Bless you for doing so!
    I’m in the middle of another novel but should wrap it up in 2 or 3 days. Thank you so much.

  21. Aquileana says:

    The feedback you are getting is impressive. Congratulations and still good luck to you with the book!~ Aquileana 😀

  22. Yoshiko says:

    Thank you on behalf of Daylight Tune Ministry to like our ministry poetry. May our poetry bless your hearts and minds 🙂

  23. I look forward to reading this, Paulette. It’s sitting on the top of my pile of “soon-to-be-read” books. 🙂

  24. natuurfreak says:

    Thanks fot all the visits at my blog.I has a lot of respect to you.

  25. Kev says:

    This is a great idea, Paulette! 😊

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