What a difference a day makes. And a home.


Lady with her kong treat filled with yummy stuff.


Bella checking up on her new elder sister.


Max & Lady out on the deck.


Waiting for treats.


Oh that’s so yummy.


Max with his kong.


Bella munching her kong.


Max up front. Bella by the water.

About The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap

The year 1895 was filled with memorable historical events: the Dreyfus Affair divided France; Booker T. Washington gave his Atlanta address; Richard Olney, United States Secretary of State, expanded the effects of the Monroe Doctrine in settling a boundary dispute between the United Kingdom and Venezuela; and Oscar Wilde was tried and convicted for "gross indecency" under Britian's recently passed law that made sex between males a criminal offense. When the news of Wilde's conviction went out over telegraphs worldwide, it threw a small Nevada town into chaos. This is the story of what happened when the lives of its citizens were impacted by the news of Oscar Wildes' imprisonment. It is chronicle of hatred and prejudice with all its unintended and devastating consequences, and how love and friendship bring strength and healing. Paulette Mahurin, the author, is a Nurse Practitioner who lives in Ojai, California with her husband Terry and their two dogs--- Max and Bella. She practices women's health in a rural clinic and writes in her spare time. All profits from her book are going to animal rescue, Santa Paula Animal Shelter, the first and only no-kill shelter in Ventura County, CA, where she lives. (see links below on Ventura County Star Article & Shelter) To find out more please go the The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap on facebook or Amazon or e-mail us at the gavatar addresses. Thank you. (photos: of Paulette, her family, and a reading at The Ojai Art Center, July 2012)
This entry was posted in ANIMAL RESCUE, ANIMALS, DOGS & CATS, DOGS & CATS GOING HOME, DOGS RESCUED. Bookmark the permalink.

70 Responses to What a difference a day makes. And a home.

  1. tazzielove says:

    Lady’s doing really well. She’s such a sweetheart.

  2. Jean-Jacques says:

    Bravo! what an occasion, and what a difference a day makes for Lady, in a happy home as is quite indicative from the pictures.

    • She’d adjusted beautifully. Last night was confusing for her but around noon today she settled down and took a long relaxed nap. When she woke up she wasn’t aimlessly wandering. Amazing how fast they adapt. Wish I could learn from my dogs. ❤

  3. LOVED all the photos!

  4. This warms my heart. You dogs are so accepting…hospitable…open…welcoming. It’s a wonderful world after all. ~(*_*)~~

  5. Littlesundog says:

    I love these photos… Lady is doing well, and she’s such a beauty.

  6. How sweet that they get along, and are checking on her!!!!

  7. Jackie says:

    Awesome captures! I’m so happy all is going so well. 🙂

  8. It’s amazing how the ‘home ‘ dogs accept the newcomers in need.

    • It really is, Helen. The younger two, Max & Bella, have been very sensitive to their new older sibling. There’s been no food or toy aggression, in fact there’s been a great respect and sensitivity demonstrated as if they know she’s older and frail. It’s quite lovely to witness and a relief because Max & Bella are their own pack and aren’t always this pleasant. I’m proud of them all and extremely relieved. We’ll all sleep well tonight. ❤

  9. Clanmother says:

    “And a home…” Powerful stuff. I recently saw a cartoon with a man sitting outside in the cold with a chain around his neck, while his dog was sitting inside having a cup of coffee, watching TV.

    Only when we place ourselves in another’s shoes/paws do we understand! Beautiful post.

  10. FlaHam says:

    Paulette, Lady has a home and knows it, Bella and Max have a new friend they seemed to accepted with open paws. Take care, Bill

  11. Always a feel good visit here. A wonderful job and happy faces.

    • It’s so good to see you, Yisraela. Hope all’s going well with you. And, I’m so happy you got to meet our new furry girl. She’s a sweetheart and adjusting so well to all the changes. She’s settled in a relaxed and I think we’ll all sleep well tonight. Hugs to you. ❤

  12. Tatsat says:

    Some day, and I hope that day comes, I am going to come over to be with these pretty animals. Just for that. And maybe, also because I am a bit scared of them ( never had pets ). That would be a good starting point, I believe.

    • You’re invited. Lady would help you. She’s the gentlest soul imaginable, very sweet and loving. We’re so lucky we found her. Our younger two have really taken to her as have we. I sincerely hope that at some point you have a good experience with dogs to help rid you of the fear. ❤

  13. I think Lady adjusted so quickly because she feels safe and secure and feels the compassionate vibes of you and your husband. The rotties know that she is not a threat and they also are great dogs due to the training and loving care from you.

    Check out the site below for the med adequan for arthritis in dogs and cats. It’s given by injection 1-2 times weekly for 2 weeks and then tapered at the vet’s directions. I began two of my old dogs on Adequan and they have already shown some improvement after two injections.



    • Thank you,Yvonne. I’ve heard of Adequan I think from over at Rumpy’s site. I’ll mention it to my vet, who’s a really great guy. Very appreciated. Luckily Lady has pretty good mobility (for her age) and when the vet checked her hind legs today they had good strength. Got my fingers crossed that we can manage to keep her comfortable and with good quality of life for many more days to come. For now, she’s a happy camper and relieved to have a soft bed, good meal, and nice rubbies. ❤

  14. jmsabbagh says:

    Heartwarming story ,God bless those who have passion and kindness. My regards.Jalal

  15. 68ghia says:

    Hope Lady will continue to bring joy to your life – and that you continue to find joy in her 🙂

    • Thanks G. There’s a simple sweet joy in giving her more life. After that it’s taking one day at a time. It’s been quite a profound lesson for us because it’s not all that easy to incorporate a new dog with ours (also rescued and bonded into their own pack of two) but she’s so sweet that they’ve taken to her really well. It’s work with an older dog but she is so worth the effort and thankfully our love for dogs and what they give to us makes it all the sweeter. Hugs to you and hope you have a good day. ❤

  16. Clowie says:

    It’s lovely to see Max and Bella accepting her so well. Lady is lucky to have found you.

  17. Such happy pics, Paulette. 🙂 How lovely to see the positive interaction between the three of them.

  18. natuurfreak says:

    Great photos. Gives me just a good feeling Paulette

  19. Denise Hisey says:

    Awww, so incredibly sweet! I can’t imagine how utterly awful it must have been for her to be dumped off at a shelter after being a loyal friend for 12 years. How wonderful you took her in for her last chapter. Max & Bella are such good siblings 🙂

    • Thank you, Denise.

      Yes, she was traumatized by what happened and when we picked her up she was shaking and confused. It took her a day to really settle in here and stop pacing. She is now doing much better, has her warm cuddly bed, is nibbling on this and that, and gets outside for a stroll on our lawn. I’m so relieved and proud of Max & Bella for being such good friends to her. We didn’t know how it would work out but knew we just had to help Lady out. Now it’s one day at a time.

      Sure do appreciate your stopping by and lending support. Am sure our elder girl feels the love. 🙂

  20. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words says:

    such a beautiful trio you have been blessed with…!
    Thank you for sharing their world within yours
    Take Care…You Matter…

  21. Aw. I can see how old a girl Lady is, but she seems to be adapting well to her new loving home. Bless your heart, P! 🙂

  22. Misaki says:

    lovely to see them together getting on so well xxx

    • It sure is, Misaki. A big relief. We didn’t know how it would be introducing Lady to Max & Bella as we got them when they were both 6 weeks old, together in a shelter, and they are a pack. Thankfully, they welcomed Lady very graciously, better than expected. ❤

  23. Sage says:

    I loved seeing how Max and Bella accepted Lady. It’s hard to imagine how anyone could leave her at a shelter. I can’t imagine how scared and lonely she must have been. What you have done is truly wonderful.

    • We loved seeing how Max & Bella accepted her because they can be testy teenagers and have been together since 6 weeks old when we rescued both of them from a kill shelter. Lady seems to have turned a corner and is coming out of her depression. When she first arrived here she was disoriented, pacing around, looking out the window, and didn’t want to eat. With some human food (really whatever she’ll eat and we’re finding we have to change it every meal), good doggie and human bonding, she’s coming around and showing her authentic self. Only the heart of a dog has this kind of resilience to respond to and show so much love. At her age, it’s precious every day we have with her. She’s showing and teaching us so much. I’m grateful she’s entered our lives. ❤ (Sage: you inspire me to vent. Thanks! 😉 )

  24. gpcox says:

    My apologies for being so behind schedule in reading – Military Appreciation Month has been quite hectic and although this is my reason – it is not excuse, I’m sorry.

    • That’s so sweet of you to say but really no apology is needed. We only have so much time in a day and prioritizing is important. Please know that this here cyber friend doesn’t hold out an expectation or obligation for any of her cyber friends. Just stop by, or not, whenever your heart desires. And in between enjoy life and be happy. That’s what’s important. Grateful for this lovely connection with you and your avid dedication to those who have served, and given their lives, for the freedom of others. Blessing to you my friend. ❤

  25. paws2smile says:

    Wonderful photo’s, Lady looks so darn sweet

    • Hi there paws2smile. So nice to see you here. Sweet describes Lady perfectly. She’s the sweetest, most gentle, dog we’ve had. We’re lucky she’s gracing our lives. ❤

      • paws2smile says:

        That’s great. 🙂 I follow you but must never be on when you post something, because I never see any of yours on the Reader. I will try to visit your blog more often! 🙂

      • Thank you. I don’t post that much so am delighted that our paths crossed on this one and you got to meet our Lady. So nice to share with another animal loving friend. Hope all’s well with you and you’re getting lotsa doggie love. ❤

  26. Mustang.Koji says:

    Your heart is grander than the Grand Canyon, Paulette…

  27. beebeesworld says:

    Lucky pup=im sure it will have a great life. beebeesworld