Profits from my books have helped free 161 dogs from kill shelters

My book The Seven Year Dress is continuing to rank in the top 100 best sellers in the kindle bookstore in the literary-fiction-historical, literary fiction, and the young adult categories. I’ve also been ranked by Amazon as top ranking author for two of my books, The Seven Year Dress and To Live Out loud, in the historical fiction category and the Teen/Young Adult category. And  in the literary fiction category for The Seven Year Dress. See photos below.

I’m deeply grateful for everyone who has purchased, read, and taken the time to review my book. In the name of tolerance, a special thank you also to everyone who has spread the word to help promote this book.  All profits from my books go to help get dogs like Maggie, Latte, Rocky, Sam, Pickels, Caramel, Peter Pan, Dora, Calypso and sisters Jackie and Mabeline (see below) out of kill shelters. Thus far in 2016, 161 dogs have been freed. Last year 148 dogs were freed.

AND please for everyone who’s purchased a book could I humbly ask you to write a review when you’ve completed the read. I have just found out that Amazon promotes and ranks books according to number of reviews in addition to sales. Every voice helps spread the word and that is an energy that can help a dog.



LINK TO PURCHASE ALL MY BOOKS and to see all reviews for all my books click on the books cover:



on September 30, 2016
Loved this book!!

5.0 out of 5 starsThe Seven Year Dress

on September 26, 2016 Format: Kindle Edition

I could not put this book down. It was a real page turner. So sad. Love for my sister Rhonda Lute to read this book.
on September 28, 2016
I enjoyed this book even though unusually through my own circumstances I had to endure a break in its reading. The story is well told, the writing crisp and engaging. There were for my liking, too many historical reference points and I think the story could have survived well without them and subsequently flowed more freely. For me this distracted a little from the flow of the book but perhaps as someone familiar with the history of the period this could be something that is peculiar to me. It is a difficult tale for sure and by that I mean the subject matter, with a unique approach to a terrible period in history that is handled quite well. Overall I can recommend this one. As always my priority is a good story and a book that keeps me engaged and here Paulette Mahurin has delivered in spades. A talented writer with more to come I am sure. Pick it up.
on September 26, 2016
Enjoyed and recommended. Sad but good
on September 27, 2016
I would recommend this story to everyone it gives you a way to appreciate life in a much different way.




on October 1, 2016
This book spoke to my heart. It showed me that with trust and friendship, that evil can be overcome and removed.

Maggie's been rescued.jpg

Maggie’s been rescued


Maggie's freedom photo.jpg


Maggie’s freedom photo


Maggie with new mom.jpg


Maggie with new mom



Latte's been rescued.jpg


Latte’s been rescued


Latte with new mom.jpg


Latte’s freedom photo


Latte sleeping peacefully in new home.jpg


Latte sleeping in new bed. Safe and sound.


Rocky's been rescued.jpg

Rocky’s been rescued


Rocky's freedom photo.jpg


Rocky’s freedom photo


Samantha's been freed.jpg

Samantha’s been rescued




Samantha’s freedom photo


Pickels' freedom photo.jpg

Pickels’ freedom photo


Pickels' getting loving from new mom.jpg


Pickels’ getting some loving from new mom




Caramel’s been rescued


Carmamel with new daddy.jpg


Caramel with new daddy. Shows the power of love.


Peter Pan's been rescued.jpg


Peter Pan’s been rescued


Peter Pan's freedom photo.jpg


Peter Pan’s freedom photo




Peter Pan’s vet check


Dora's been rescued.jpg


Dora’s been rescued


Dora's freedom photo.jpg


Dora’s freedom photo


Calypso's been rescued.jpg


Puppy Calypso’s been rescued


Calypso freedom photo.jpg


Happy Calypso’s freedom photo



Calypso getting some loving from new mom




Sisters Jackie and Mabeline have been rescued. They couldn’t wait to love on their new family.


Jackie and Mabeline's freedom photo.jpg


Sisters Jackie and Mabeline’s freedom photo




Ranking as of Saturday 9/24/16


Ranking Saturday 9/24/16

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Ranking Saturday 9/24/16

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Ranking Saturday 9/24/16

About The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap

The year 1895 was filled with memorable historical events: the Dreyfus Affair divided France; Booker T. Washington gave his Atlanta address; Richard Olney, United States Secretary of State, expanded the effects of the Monroe Doctrine in settling a boundary dispute between the United Kingdom and Venezuela; and Oscar Wilde was tried and convicted for "gross indecency" under Britian's recently passed law that made sex between males a criminal offense. When the news of Wilde's conviction went out over telegraphs worldwide, it threw a small Nevada town into chaos. This is the story of what happened when the lives of its citizens were impacted by the news of Oscar Wildes' imprisonment. It is chronicle of hatred and prejudice with all its unintended and devastating consequences, and how love and friendship bring strength and healing. Paulette Mahurin, the author, is a Nurse Practitioner who lives in Ojai, California with her husband Terry and their two dogs--- Max and Bella. She practices women's health in a rural clinic and writes in her spare time. All profits from her book are going to animal rescue, Santa Paula Animal Shelter, the first and only no-kill shelter in Ventura County, CA, where she lives. (see links below on Ventura County Star Article & Shelter) To find out more please go the The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap on facebook or Amazon or e-mail us at the gavatar addresses. Thank you. (photos: of Paulette, her family, and a reading at The Ojai Art Center, July 2012)

42 Responses to Profits from my books have helped free 161 dogs from kill shelters

  1. tazzielove says:

    161 happy faces, wagging tails, and bipeds receiving unconditional love.

  2. Littlesundog says:

    Each post you write just warms my heart… your love is immense.

  3. maureenrose7 says:

    how awesome is that?!! thank you so much for being you!! ❤

  4. Pilgrim says:

    Swell. This makes my heart swell with joy. Thank you for doing this Paulette.

  5. More happy faces…lovely to see.

  6. Jean-Jacques says:

    What an amazing achievement, but then again what an amazing book and dedicated purpose to offer your talents for such a worthy cause. Bravo again Paulette Mahurin!

  7. Deziz World says:

    Pawsum as always. We luv da sisfurs and Calypso and Samantha, they look so happy. Keep up da good work. So many happy doggies. Big hugs fur all and have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  8. Clanmother says:

    I am jumping up and down with excitement! Hugs and love.

  9. Outstanding. Happy looking boys and girls.

  10. Pickel has the cutest face! Such a grumpy looking (but adorable) face!

  11. How proud you must be!

  12. Heartfelt congratulations, dear Paulette. More power to you!

  13. natuurfreak says:

    You are doing so well for so much dogs

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