
PAULETTE MAHURIN’S BOOKS: http://www.amazon.com/Paulette-Mahurin/e/B008MMDUGO/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

And other Amazon sites around the world carry all Paulette’s books.

PROFITS FROM MY BOOKS ARE GOING TO the first and only no-kill animal shelter in Ventura County, CA., Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center  http://www.santapaulaarc.org/ ; The Canine Adoption Rescue League http://www.carldogs.org/ (http://carldogs.org/purchase-name-ben/); and to various rescues helping to get dogs out of kill shelters.

PRESS RELEASE: http://www.vcstar.com/lifestyle/ojai-authors-historical-novel-teaches-tolerance-benefits-animal-rescue-ep-363177738-351980511.html

TV interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwTwJdwfLRQ

BIO: Paulette Mahurin is an international best selling literary fiction and historical fiction novelist. She lives with her husband Terry and two dogs, Max and Bella, in Ventura County, California. She grew up in West Los Angeles and attended UCLA, where she received a Master’s Degree in Science.

Her first novel, The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap, made it to Amazon bestseller lists and won awards, including best historical fiction 2012 in Turning the Pages Magazine. Her second novel, His Name Was Ben, originally written as an award winning short story while she was in college and later expanded into a novel, rose to bestseller lists its second week out. Her third novel, To Live Out Loud, won international critical acclaim and made it to multiple sites as favorite read book of 2015. Her fourth book, The Seven Year Dress, made it to the bestseller lists for literary fiction and historical fiction on Amazon U.S., Amazon U.K. and Amazon Australia. Her fifth book, The Day I Saw The Hummingbird, was released in 2017 to rave reviews. Her sixth novel, A Different Kind of Angel, is due to be released in the summer of 2018.

Semi-retired, she continues to work part-time as a Nurse Practitioner in Ventura County. When she’s not writing, she does pro-bono consultation work with women with cancer, works in the Westminster Free Clinic as a volunteer provider, volunteers as a mediator in the Ventura County Courthouse for small claims cases, and involves herself, along with her husband, in dog rescue. Profits from her books go to help rescue dogs from kill shelters.

All new friends and visitors are welcome. Have a look around and please feel free to enter the conversations.

754 Responses to Home

  1. petit4chocolatier says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I appreciate it. My family and friends are all animal lovers! The book sounds interesting and I like that the proceeds go to animal rescue.

  2. rlte says:

    Thanks for becoming my follower.Yuo are a wonderful person. I love animals, too. I have a wonderful dog that we rescued from abandonment. Have had him for at least twelve years. He is my little love. RLTE

  3. fournier0917 says:

    As an ex patriot of LA so to speak, having lived there for five years, many years ago, I still feel an attachment and applaud your dedication to our fellow creatures. Thank you for your interest in my Poetry on a canapé. JJF

  4. Thank you for following Lost Apple! I just self-published in June, and I see that you’ve put this timely book out in 2012 as well. Congratulations! I shall enjoy taking a closer look. If you get a chance, please like my FB page as well: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Iain-Mavro-Coggins/309231975778838

  5. Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog today and deciding to follow me. I like what you’re doing here with your blog and wish you all the success in raising lots of money for animal rescue. I hope to hear from you again soon. Cheers!

  6. HANKS for subscribing to my “pun-ny” photoblog. I hope I can bring you a smile (or at least a groan) every weekday!
    –John R.: http://TheDailyGraff.com

  7. malctg says:

    Hello The Persecution Of Mildred Dunlap. So Nice to make contact. Thank You for following my Blog. I shall read yours with great interest. Sincere Best Wishes, The Foureyed Poet.

  8. 2ndhalfolife says:

    Thanks for the visit and follow! And the good work!

  9. Well, I said I would try to send people your way…I just nominated you for a blogging award. I don’t know if you do these kinds of things, but it’s one that requires you pass it along if you choose to receive it. It is the 2012 Blogger of the Year Award. Impressive title, at least! And it should bring some new visitors to your site.

    My post comes up tomorrow.

  10. Thanks for following my blog! Looking forward to yours as well…

  11. I am so glad to have come across your wonderful blog.I am absolutely loving it,Thank you for following mine , happy to have made a connection with you. I wish you lot more of success and best wishes. so happy to know that you are involved in animal rescuing, as i am a very big animal lover too and have been involved in animal rescue too in dubai and in delhi(india)..May god bless you for being so kind.

  12. mariadesuede says:

    Merci de me suivre ! ☺ Thanks for following me! I can take it in Spanish too… It’s gonna be interesting to follow you… I understand better than I speak…

  13. Teresa says:

    Thanks for following my blog. I have posted lots of Christmas cookie recipes lately. Hope you enjoy!

  14. ManeKent says:

    Wonderful work that you do.

  15. Thank you for your visit to my blog site and for the “follow”. I look forward to reading your work.

  16. Nice to meet you, Paulette. I just read your story on the link to VC Star – very inspiring!! It’s nice to meet local people in the blogging world who are from Ventura County, and it’s especially special that you are protecting our furry animal friends…I am a huge dog lover. Best wishes and thanks for connecting!!

    • Great to meet you also. Love your site and all you do, lucky you. Surely you’ve trekked through Ojai, land of many hikers and nature lovers. I feel so lucky to be supporting the first and only no-kill animal shelter in Ventura County, Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center. It’s my prayer/hope that it becomes a prototype for more and that we see tons of sad faces rescued from death row and land wagging in their forever homes. Big cyber hug to you, friend. 🙂

  17. Jane says:

    I am honored that you have chosen to follow my blog and look forward to exploring yours further.
    with love light and JOY
    Jane 🙂

  18. timr6 says:

    Thanks for following my blog. You’ve got a great site here and I look forward to reading more.


  19. plaridel says:

    thank you for all the good works. i’ll take a look of your book.

  20. Becky says:

    Thank you for stopping by “Blessings through raindrops” – I consider it a true honor, and I’m humbled to have you follow me on my journey!
    I hope you will enjoy what you read and see, and I look forward to exploring your “world” too!
    Thank you!

    • My pleasure, Becky. I stumbled upon your blog and enjoyed the photos and story of your daughter’s birth and your family photo was so sweet. Mine is very limited. A friend initially set it up for my book and I’ve added a few extras, like photos of my dogs and a couple of my paintings. I discovered when I go to others sites and like or follow this logo comes up. So far, it’s all I have. But, it is really nice to connect with new friends all over the world. Happy Holidays.

  21. Nirmal Bajwa says:

    Thanks for stopping by and liking a post at “letters-to my master”.

  22. Ganesh Raam says:

    Its holidays and its time for presents! I have nominated your blog for an award… Want to know which award? Surprise! Visit the following link to know your award and grab it if you like it…


  23. Angeline M says:

    Thanks for the follow over on my blog, much appreciated. I’m glad to have met you here and learn about your blog and your book. I think I know what I’ll be using an Amazon gift card for.
    Your NP work sounds interesting too…that caught my eye 🙂

  24. I love your blog and have just nominated you for the SHINE ON award. Please go to my blog and copy the instructions onto yours, then enter the award onto your widgets. congratulations.

  25. Lynne Ayers says:

    The deep love for your animals came through to me, one who also appreciates the loving, loyal companionship of a dog. Our Jackson, a yellow lab, tore the cruciate ligament in his leg and while fixable he was almost 13 and already in pain from from what I assumed to be arthritis. Treatment and recovery would probably have used up his remaining time in discomfort. So we made the heart rending decision and he died in our arms – I have never cried so hard, so long in my life. He had been a rescue dog and we too, after some recovery time, sought out another – Cooper, a black lab mix, a giant of a lab now almost two, now fills our days with demands to play. He makes us smile and laugh, he comforts and he listens well. All things we seek in a friend.

    • What a wonderful comment, so warm, so familiar, so sharing of a pain two dog mommies have been through and know all too well. 13 is getting up there for a lab and that was a tough decision, but no doubt a compassionate loving one. Your Jackson was a lucky boy to be rescued by you. He’s now romping with Tazzie and so many others who have graced our lives. I love the name Cooper. Two dear friends of ours have fury sons named Cooper and they are simply the cutest sweetest ever. I got side tracked and went to your site to see if I could find photos and ended up viewing your photography (only saw one with a man standing with some dogs) – you have quite a gift. The one of the bird in the window is stellar. So wonderful to connect with another animal loving soulful talented friend.

  26. Hi there!
    thanks for deciding to follow my blog. I am not a dog person particularly [have had cats for nearly 40 years… and not had the time to walk the furry creatures, but have done some dog walking for charities and my daughter fostered some hearing dogs for their household training for a while ] but have knitted some coats for doggies and have some great patterns at all sizes if you are interested.
    I have always got my cats from charities and have fostered a stray mother-to-be, who the vet said was young and therefore would have one or two kittens. She proceeded to have 6! one of which we kept.
    Keep up the good work in Ojai – such a lovely part of the world.

    • My pleasure, ukgardenfiend. Thanks for stopping by here. The shelter the profits of my book are going to have dogs and lots of cats. Their link is above if you ever want to have a peek. They are the first & only no-kill shelter in the very large county I live in. Thank you so much for the help you’re giving to cats and for your kind heart in making coats for doggies. It looks like you’re in the U.K. and it might be costly to ship them to the shelter if you make them as a donation so I would say to this, bless you, but don’t want you to incur an expenditure for this. If you make and sell them, I would sure love a link and can share with my dog loving friends in the U.K. and Europe. Again, many blessings & thank you for helping fury friends.

  27. Wishing you a very happy New Year too, My dear friend. All the best !

  28. Hello Paulette, thank you for following my blog and I’m very much looking forward to following yours. What an amazing person you must be to make good out of adversity with your illness – writing a book and helping animals at the same time. I admire you and hope I can do the same in the coming years (hopefully without the adversity though). I will certainly buy your book soon – it sounds like it’s had rave reviews. Happy New Year!

  29. poppytump says:

    Am enjoying looking round your blog ! fascinating .
    Wishing you a successful 2013 year in all ways .

  30. FlaHam says:

    Paulette, you stopped by my Blog and decided to follow my posts. I appreciate that very much. I came to your blog to thank you, and then read the openning to the Persection of Mildred Dunlap and was quite taken by it. While normally this wouldn’t have caught my attention, I am glad I found it. Please take care, Bill

  31. Thank you so much for visiting and following one of my blogs! I love hearing good rescue stories. I work at an animal shelter where we never euthanize adoptable animals and can’t imagine working at one where they do. 😦

    My partner and I have two rescued dogs and love both of them in spite of (or because of?) their quirks and issues. We work around the issues, fix them if we can, and live with them if we can’t. It certainly makes life interesting! 🙂

    • My pleasure, Ruth Rainwater (love your name). Bless you for your rescue work and tolerance with those you bring home and boy do I hear you about quirks and issues. We’ve been rescuing rotties for 28 years…some severely abused so you can well imagine. We have one now, Max, born missing his back paw, thrown into a kill shelter to be disposed of because the breeder (yes, he’s a purebred, more likely inbred) couldn’t sell him. He is the sweetest most affectionate dog we’ve ever had, not kidding and has no idea he’s missing a paw. He was so young when we got him, still with the puppy fuzz all over and so many health issues, he ended up hospitalized from dehydration. We also have Bella, a rottie sharpei puppy who was found homeless and brought to the kill shelter. She also is a very sweet, and funny girl. With all we’ve been through with our fury kids and those passing through our doors, like all loving relationships, I wouldn’t change a thing or have it any other way. I deeply appreciate you and all others who share this sentiment toward their fury family. Big cyber hug to you.

  32. Sierra says:

    Thank you! I’m so happy to be reading this post!

    An Amazing Morning!

  33. beebeesworld says:

    I found your site-i will be back-just thought I’d let you know. beebeesworld

  34. pixelvoyages says:

    Thanks for the visit and follow. Was touched to see your cause – my mother’s side of the family has a soft corner for canine companions and we have all grown up experiencing the love and warmth that they bring to our lives. So, hurrah to you!

  35. Congratulations with the book! And my hat off to you for donating the proceeds to animal rescue. Many thanks for the blog follow. Best wishes to you.

    • My pleasure, we’re about 95% eating organic and eat mostly produce from local organic farms. Maybe some day you’ll visit our town. I love what you’re doing. And, thank you for your kind comment but dogs (& animals) are a passion and we love doing what we can.

  36. Lindy Lee says:

    TPOMD, Thanks so much for reading some of my poems & clicking the “Like” button.
    From a new follower, Lindy Lee…

  37. annabayes says:

    Oh my, sounds like a very compelling story … and to donate it all to dog rescues … bless you! kisses …

  38. FeyGirl says:

    So happy to meet you…. And so heartwarming, ALWAYS, to see fellow animal rescuers!!! YAY! Thanks for all the wonderful help you’re providing to those with no voice — here’s to creating a growing number of *proactive love* to help them.

  39. mkesling63 says:

    Women’s health is a good field. I believe they get soaked into the weak man gig of equal opportunity so I hope you create more there. The men have insisted on dominating every population they can and there are more male criminals, insane, homeless, public failures then ever. I hope women stop depending on government positions and just start doing like you sound like. Better to step away from the male social justice of prejudice and let them have their public failures all to themselves rather then taking that lead in anyway.

    More woman business owners are better then joining the male dominated failures in government. Hero slots are limited there. I like Ventura. I was born raised in Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley.

    • Thank you so much stopping by and taking the time to comment. There’s a book you might like, The Chalice and the Blade, by Riane Isler. I think you’d find a lot in common. I know the SF Valley well, before all the 405 congestion, lol. 🙂

      • mkesling63 says:

        I looked it up and the book refers to the old with no new in sight. The dark age being the only cure. Control the beast unleashed. With human talent and technology the old doesn’t have to happen and there is a way to govern without the beast of control. The New World Power is working on it for all. Control causes fear and does nothing to develop human ability and talent.

      • mkesling63 says:

        405 congestion? LOL Control started in the 70’s there when they did away with cruising Van Nuys BLVD and Highland in Hollywood. It became one of the Plastic capitols in the world. It turned into a coffee mug souvenir shop everywhere, in every space. No culture, no space, nothing there anymore but rush hour 24/7 to get to work.

  40. Thanks so much for the blog follow. It led me to your wonderful blog. I look forward to our continuing ‘blog’ conversations.

    Happy blogging!

    Nancy L.

  41. Thanks very much for following my blog. (I am a wee bit curious though as to why. Hehehehe.)
    Wish you much success with your book.

  42. Hi, thanks for the follow. Sorry I don’t have a lot of internet time, so hard to return the favour. cheers

  43. Sherry says:

    Thanks for the follow. I am now following you. Have a great day.

  44. jcmarckx2009 says:

    Thank you for the follow. Your writing looks very interesting to me, and I can’t wait to get to it all.

  45. M.C. James says:

    Thank for following my blog! I appreciate it.

  46. sarahneeve says:

    Thank you for following my blog. You a truly a genuine person to donate the proceeds to charity, I commend you.

    • That’s so kind of you to say. After reading your site, you’ll understand when I say it was my dog, Tazzie, who helped me through my worst darkest days. I’ve written about her and my love for her, by my side when I hit and stayed at bottom (with debilitating Lyme disease) for what seemed like centuries. As I improved she declined. My hubby & I have been into dog rescue for the past 28 years, mainly rotties, but after Tazzie, I knew I had to do more. It helps me to do this, fulfills a place in my heart that would otherwise seem vacated. Wishing you well, friend.

  47. Maggie’s grandma lives in Ventura! WOOF WOOF 🙂 🙂

    • Maggiemoosetracks! Your woof woof got me so excited I went to your blog site and your facebook page to see/read more. I am a fan! Please allow me to quote you here from your post today, “Maggie’s pawsability thought for the day:
      “Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It’s like the ultimate rest. It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had. It’s a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.”
      Hugh Jackman.” And, since your grandma lives in Ventura and since I have tons of tennis balls and since my girl Bella’s nickname is Moose… don’t you think you owe us a visit? Woof Woof Wag Wag. 🙂

  48. dannadesigns says:

    Thanks for following my blog and right back at ya!

  49. pishnguyen says:

    Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for deciding to follow it. I am happy that you enjoyed reading my posts, and I hope you continue to enjoy doing so in the future.

    I am very intrigued about your book. It sounds like an interesting and emotional read.