The boy who reads: A story of hope

The power of a book, a photo, cyber friends sharing, and a life is forever changed, perhaps many lives who read this story.

Photographs and Memories

“One would think that the last place to find a starved and unkempt street urchin is in a book store.” 

He is 13-year-old Mark Jayvee “MJ” Mojon and he frequents the store to beg for money or food. But on some days, he also stops by to read. 
At age 13, MJ is just an incoming Grade 2 student. MJ’s mother says financial struggles forced MJ to drop out of school for several years. 
But poverty hasn’t stopped MJ from wanting to learn.  When he wasn’t begging, he would visit the bookstore to read.  Even in his house, MJ has a small corner where he keeps books borrowed from neighbors.  
This story has a happy ending. 
To read the full story, visit these links:

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About The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap

The year 1895 was filled with memorable historical events: the Dreyfus Affair divided France; Booker T. Washington gave his Atlanta address; Richard Olney, United States Secretary of State, expanded the effects of the Monroe Doctrine in settling a boundary dispute between the United Kingdom and Venezuela; and Oscar Wilde was tried and convicted for "gross indecency" under Britian's recently passed law that made sex between males a criminal offense. When the news of Wilde's conviction went out over telegraphs worldwide, it threw a small Nevada town into chaos. This is the story of what happened when the lives of its citizens were impacted by the news of Oscar Wildes' imprisonment. It is chronicle of hatred and prejudice with all its unintended and devastating consequences, and how love and friendship bring strength and healing. Paulette Mahurin, the author, is a Nurse Practitioner who lives in Ojai, California with her husband Terry and their two dogs--- Max and Bella. She practices women's health in a rural clinic and writes in her spare time. All profits from her book are going to animal rescue, Santa Paula Animal Shelter, the first and only no-kill shelter in Ventura County, CA, where she lives. (see links below on Ventura County Star Article & Shelter) To find out more please go the The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap on facebook or Amazon or e-mail us at the gavatar addresses. Thank you. (photos: of Paulette, her family, and a reading at The Ojai Art Center, July 2012)
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27 Responses to The boy who reads: A story of hope

  1. tazzielove says:

    Great story. Fantastic happy ending.

  2. gita4elamats says:

    A story of hope, indeed! 😀

  3. Such an inspiring story. Hopefully the people who said they want to help will come through to support his education.

  4. 68ghia says:

    This young man deserves a break…

  5. natuurfreak says:

    Very nice story with a happy end.

  6. fournier0917 says:

    Breaks your heart that so much money out there is wasted out of boredom, that could do so much for these poor unfortunate people. Where are you all you Warren Buffetts…? Jean-Jacques Fournier

  7. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    This is truly so wonderful. It’s just wonderful to see things like this going on in the world AS WELL…

    Paulette, good morning 🙂 I just want to say I’ve mentioned you in my blog today with thanks. Sincere thanks.

  8. seeker says:

    Paulette, Thank you so much for sharing this news about the boy. The good outpouring of comments will be felt all the way to the Philippines. With gratitude, you cyber friend. Perpetua

  9. Sage says:

    This is both a heartbreaking, but yet heartfelt story of an amazing boy. It’s so nice to read about someone who has a chance to succeed.

    • It is heartbreaking, in that there are the resources worldwide for each child to be fed, have shelter, and education. There’s enough for every human being to have basic needs met and yet there is so much poverty and suffering. If only… And, you are so right that it’s wonderful to read about the ones that get a chance. Wuv you Sage! 🙂

  10. Clowie says:

    I hope things work out well for him, he deserves it.

  11. Such a compelling image and story…thank you for sharing it, Paulette. 🙂

  12. beebeesworld says:

    I cant figure out how to :like” a lot of your blogs, but they are all wonderful, well-written and informative. You have a very nice blog. beebeesworls

    • Hi beebee, There wouldn’t be a like button on the posts that I reblog from other sites, just the ability to comment. The like button would be with the original post on that person’s site. I can certainly understand it can get confusing. I’m glad you like the stories I’ve been sharing. Always happy to connect with you. 🙂