“His name was Ben” by Paulette Mahurin

Thank you, Christoph Fischer, for this remarkable send off for my book. I’m grateful for your support. The book’s now available on Amazon paperback and Kindle. Profits to help rescue dogs: http://www.amazon.com/His-Name-was-Paulette-Mahurin-ebook/dp/B00NTACZ5Q/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=1-1-catcorr&qid=1411445444



Today I have the pleasure to announce the long awaited release of Paulette Mahurin’s new book: “His name was Ben”.

I absolutely loved Paulette’s first book “The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap”. She responded to my positive review, I featured her with an interview and we have become good friends since, not least because of our shared love for dogs. The proceeds of Paulette’s books go to a no kill shelter in California (Link).

Now to the book: It is a beautifully written, bitter-sweet love story between two cancer patients, Ben and Sara, and really also between them and her Rottweiler dog Tazzie.

Sara, a nurse practitioner, develops an aggressive type of breast cancer, first detected by said dog, Tazzie. The story of her diagnosis and the initial treatment is full of raw emotion and written with great empathy and with amazing medical knowledge.
We also learn about her…

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About The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap

The year 1895 was filled with memorable historical events: the Dreyfus Affair divided France; Booker T. Washington gave his Atlanta address; Richard Olney, United States Secretary of State, expanded the effects of the Monroe Doctrine in settling a boundary dispute between the United Kingdom and Venezuela; and Oscar Wilde was tried and convicted for "gross indecency" under Britian's recently passed law that made sex between males a criminal offense. When the news of Wilde's conviction went out over telegraphs worldwide, it threw a small Nevada town into chaos. This is the story of what happened when the lives of its citizens were impacted by the news of Oscar Wildes' imprisonment. It is chronicle of hatred and prejudice with all its unintended and devastating consequences, and how love and friendship bring strength and healing. Paulette Mahurin, the author, is a Nurse Practitioner who lives in Ojai, California with her husband Terry and their two dogs--- Max and Bella. She practices women's health in a rural clinic and writes in her spare time. All profits from her book are going to animal rescue, Santa Paula Animal Shelter, the first and only no-kill shelter in Ventura County, CA, where she lives. (see links below on Ventura County Star Article & Shelter) To find out more please go the The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap on facebook or Amazon or e-mail us at the gavatar addresses. Thank you. (photos: of Paulette, her family, and a reading at The Ojai Art Center, July 2012)
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16 Responses to “His name was Ben” by Paulette Mahurin

  1. I just bought a copy. Looking forward to reading. And reviewing 🙂
    Alison ❤

  2. Jean-Jacques says:

    Hey Paulette… How great! I look forward to ordering it as soon as I return to Canada. Good luck for again an extremely worthy cause, and I’ve no doubt a terrific read. JJ

  3. natuurfreak says:

    Wish you a lot of succes you deserve it.

  4. Barbara says:

    Just ordered my copy, can’t wait to start reading! The reviews are excellent.

  5. I love the way the two of you support each other. It’s the best of blogging playing out! 🙂

  6. tazzielove says:

    Very generous of Christoph to help so many. 🙂

  7. I plan to get your book soon. But I’ve got lots of stuff on my agenda. You are so generpous to share the profits for the needy dogs. I wish there were more people like you, Paulette.

    • You are so kind to write this. I know how stretched you are with all you having going on. If you’d like to read my book and have a kindle or can read it on the computer I’m happy to gift you the kindle book or share the text of the paperback with you electronically. But please no pressure from me, no expectations, no obligations, I just want you to be well, happy, and enjoy your family, furry and all. Love, Paulette